Standard 5 Governance and Administration

Oversees and ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations, fiduciary obligations, written agreements, standards, and financial sustainability of the program.


  • Strategic Plan or equivalent
  • Whistleblower Policy (This may be included in Human Resources Policy)
  • Current budget with date of adoption by governing board
  • Certificate(s) of Insurance for all insurance policies
  • Executive director performance evaluation form (a copy of the blank form; see also Standard 7)
  • Dated signature sheet from most recent executive director performance evaluation
  • Current Succession Plan for executive director position
  • Statute or memorandum of understanding (MOU) that defines case assignment and acceptance, as well as working relationship with the court Bylaws
  • Screening Application Form(s) (a copy of the blank form)
  • Written/signed authorizations for background checks (redacted if necessary) or case management system report with completion dates
  • Documentation of all background screening for volunteers, staff and members of the governing board (See Standard 5.B elements of screening
  • Sample application or information packet(s) for volunteer recruitment, staff recruitment and/or governing board recruitment that contains notice about background screening requirements
  • Documentation that background screening checks have been updated at least every 4 years which may include confirmation of Rap Back Service for criminal background re-checks
  • Organization Chart showing management structure and lines of accountability
  • For CASA/GAL programs operating under an umbrella organization, an MOU between the program and the umbrella organization
  • Recruitment Plan or Matrix for governing board
  • Job descriptions for members of the governing board
  • Board election and screening procedures
  • Documentation of orientation materials for governing board members, including Guiding Principles’ topics (Table of Contents, Agenda and/or Materials – May be included in Orientation or On-Boarding materials)
  • Training and development plan for governing board
  • Board Records as specified in Standard 5.G
  • Board minutes reflecting review and/or updates to required plans and policies included in this standard
  • Board minutes of annual meeting
  • Board minutes reflecting review and adoption of annual budget
  • Board minutes reflecting review and/or updates to insurance coverage
  • Board minutes reflecting review and/or updates to agreement with the court (e.g. Memorandum of Understanding)
  • Board minutes reflecting review and/or updates to bylaws


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