Standard 6 Management and Funding
Demonstrates mission-oriented leadership in operations management and is a responsible steward of all resources in order to maximize advocacy for children who are eligible for and in need of a CASA volunteer.
- Logic Model
- Financial Resources Plan (might also be known as Resource
- Development Plan, Fundraising Plan, or Sustainability Plan)
- 501(c)(3) designation letter from IRS
- Purchasing and Inventory Control Policy/Policies (might also be known as Procurement Policy)
- Quarterly financial reports submitted to the governing board
- Annual Report
- IRS Form 990
- IRS Form 941s or proof of payment
- Most recently completed financial audit, review or compilation as required by Standard 6.C
- Documentation of the governing board’s review of the audit, financial review or compilation (This may be in Board or Committee minutes)
- When applicable, Management Letter, confirmation of review of management letter and audit findings are sent to National CASA/GAL
Operational Policies, manual or handbook consistent with Standard 6.D.2 - Internal Financial Controls Policy (This may be included in Operational Policies)
- Financial management system (e.g. QuickBooks or Dynamics)
- Resource Development policies (This may be included in Resource Development Plan, Operational Policies or equivalent)
- Documentation that the program is recognized by the state government as approved to conduct charitable solicitations
- Controls or procedures for processing and acknowledging contributions in accordance with applicable laws (This may be included in Internal Controls or Internal Financial Controls)
- Plan for disposition of property in the event the program is dissolved (May be included with Articles of Incorporation filed with the state)
Certificate(s) of Insurance for all insurance policies (e.g. General Liability, Workers’ Compensation; see also Standard 5) - Email Communication Policy (This may be included in Communications Plan, Social Media Policy or Confidentiality Policy)
- When the practice of transporting children is not prohibited in the state, and the program allows staff or volunteers to provide transportation for children, the program has written policies for transportation that include the following required documents (see also Standard 8):
- Proof of appropriate liability protection/insurance for the program and staff
- Written permission of the supervisor or executive director
- Written permission of the child’s legal guardian or custodial agency
- When allowing use of a personal vehicle for transportation of children:
- Documentation of annual motor vehicles division record
- When allowing use of a personal vehicle for transportation of children:
- Annual copy of a valid unexpired current driver’s license, and proof of adequate personal automobile insurance that meets the required state minimum if one exists or the program’s insurance carrier minimum if absent a state minimum
- Board minutes reflecting review and/or updates to required plans and policies included in this standard
- Board minutes reflecting review of quarterly financial reports
- Board minutes reflecting review of annual report
- Board minutes reflecting review of IRS Form 990
- Board minutes reflecting review of the financial audit, review or compilation, and any corresponding management letter of findings
Downloadable Resources
- Inventory Control Policy Template
- [CauseVox] Fundraising Planning Guide and Calendar Template
- Communications Plan Template
- Internal Controls Policy Template
- NM CASA Articles of Incorporation (example)
- NM CASA IRS Determination Letter
- NM CASA Annual Program Report (example)
- Procurement Policy Template
- Social Media Policy Template
- Volunteer Transportation Agreement Template